Wednesday, June 29, 2011

By now..

.. It's pretty safe to say my commitment to my original 30 minute
paintings mission has been broken, this set of paintings took anywhere
from an hour and a half to even four hours a piece; once again I got
too carried away. Half hour paintings will be treated as separate
exercises from now on. Anyhow, on to the good stuff.

Rollover the paintings for reference images

Aside from some mistakes I'm pretty satisfied to how these turned out,
capturing the likeness of someone is one crazy game of measurements!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Paintings, ROUND 2!

The saga continues! These started out just like the 30 minute paintings, however I started getting carried away with the coloring process and went past the half hour mark! Most of these took an hour on average to complete, with the last one taking two hours, I'm really enjoying painting these more than actually doing the line art.. I guess the 5th grader in me is still alive!

Rollover the paintings for reference images

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

30 Minute Paintings

Getting some inspiration from speed painting videos, I've tried out some fast and brutal painting exercises. Each picture below was painted from scratch at roughly 30 minutes. My goal with these is to get loosened up, and to jot down important details faster and more accurately. I hope that I will not dishonor the likenesses of anyone I draw, but so long as Murphy's law exists I guess I can expect protests on the front of my house!

Rollover the paintings for reference images

My accuracy needs work!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just another face in the crowd.

Hello there! Welcome to the blog of a man named Vinicius, hailing from Brazil, this man has decided to keep a record of his artistic exploits from this point onward. I specialize primarily in drawing and animation, but I also love acting, film making, singing, playing the piano, dancing; let's just say I'm married to art. I hope you'll enjoy the stuff I put on here; I'm still a work in progress, but I'm heavily motivated to become the best I can.